Showing 346 Result(s)

ECE 640 Topic 5 Assignment Benchmark – Weekly Unit Plan

Description ECE 640 Topic 5 Assignment Benchmark – Weekly Unit Plan     A unit plan provides the long-term instructional planning that integrates multiple standards into a larger instructional concept. Developing a unit plan includes outlining content and resources, learning activities and assessments. The plan should also include accommodations to meet individual student needs.   …

ECE 640 Topic 4 Assignment Field Trip Prep

Description ECE 640 Topic 4 Assignment Field Trip Prep     Field trips connect students to the real world. When carefully planned, field trips are beneficial and offer students a different cultural experience outside of the classroom. Field trips allow teachers to teach a lesson that engages each and every student in the learning.   …

ECE 640 Topic 4 Assignment Clinical Field Experience C Presentation of Social Studies Lesson

Description ECE 640 Topic 4 Assignment Clinical Field Experience C Presentation of Social Studies Lesson Part 1: Lesson Implementation   Implementation of a social studies lesson can be quite different from how a science lesson would be taught. Through implementation and reflection, you will continue to develop your teaching style and incorporation of various strategies …

ECE 640 Topic 3 Assignment Creating a Social Studies Lesson

Description ECE 640 Topic 3 Assignment Creating a Social Studies Lesson   With careful planning, social studies in early childhood education can be a creative and interactive learning experience. Bringing good citizenship and history to life for students can help students engage in the social studies instruction and create a foundation for future social studies …

ECE 640 Topic 3 Assignment Clinical Field Experience B Science Lesson Presentation

Description ECE 640 Topic 3 Assignment Clinical Field Experience B Science Lesson Presentation   Science supports the natural curiosity of young children. At an early age, all children have the capacity to observe, explore, and discover. When teaching science to young children, teachers should balance the use of formal educational opportunities for scientific discovery and …

ECE 640 Topic 2 Assignment Creating a Science Lesson

Description ECE 640 Topic 2 Assignment Creating a Science Lesson   Science supports the natural curiosity of young children. At an early age, all children have the capacity to observe, explore, and discover. When teaching science to young children, teachers should balance the use of formal educational opportunities for scientific discovery and exploration (e.g., designed …

ECE 640 Topic 2 Assignment Clinical Field Experience A Bringing Science and Social Studies Together

Description ECE 640 Topic 2 Assignment Clinical Field Experience A Bringing Science and Social Studies Together   Developing cross-curricular instruction is a way for students to apply diverse knowledge and skills. By diving into the curriculum, teachers can integrate and create cross-curricular lessons that are beneficial and developmentally-appropriate for students. Allocate at least 3 hours …

ECE 640 Topic 1 Assignment Instructional Coaching on Assessment Strategies

Description ECE 640 Topic 1 Assignment Instructional Coaching on Assessment Strategies   Assessment strategies allow for teachers to measure the level of understanding students have on a specific topic. Learning to effectively use assessment strategies enhances the students’ understanding and allows teachers to determine their next steps. Imagine you are a teacher, and your principal …