Universal Learning Characteristics



Universal Learning Characteristics



Universal Learning Characteristics

[WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3]

Although every child is unique, those with similar categorized disabilities have universal learning and behavior characteristics. For example, traditional instruction can be delivered with strategies that have shown to be successful for students identified as having learning disabilities. Similarly, universal proactive classroom intervention techniques for children with varying exceptionalities have also been demonstrated to be a successful approach to addressing these individualized needs.


This week’s assignment provides an opportunity to research and identify evidence-based practices and interventions to meet the needs of these diverse learners. You will then present your findings by creating an electronic graphic organizer using Draw.io (Links to an external site.) or Creating Graphic Organizers Using Microsoft Word (Links to an external site.) to demonstrate universal learning and behavior characteristics and strategies for a disability.






Prior to beginning work on this assignment,


Review the following sections in Chapters 1 and 8 in your Inclusion: Effective Practices for All Students text.

2: What Are Key Concepts That Support Inclusive Education?

1: What Formal Plans Are Required for Students With Disabilities for Effective Inclusive Education?

From your textbook, use Table 1.1: Disability Categories and Definitions Adapted from IDEA 2004 to help identify the characteristics of disabilities.

Read Reflections on the Concept of the Least Restrictive Environment in Special Education. (Links to an external site.)

Read Envisioning an Improved Continuum of Special Education Services for Students With Learning Disabilities: Considering Intervention Intensity (Links to an external site.).

Read Guiding IEP Teams on Meeting the Least Restrictive Environment Mandate (Links to an external site.).

View the sample Universal Learning Characteristics  Download Universal Learning Characteristicsgraphic organizer example.

Review the course and weekly learning outcomes.

Carefully read the assignment instructions, which offers a comprehensive summary of task expectations.

Familiarize yourself with the necessary software, such as Draw.io (Links to an external site.), to create your electronic graphic organizer.

Review the Week 6 final paper (Resource Manual for Educating Students With Exceptionalities) description to see where this artifact fits into your final paper.





In the field of education, you will work with varying exceptionalities and diverse individual needs. These needs will include academic, behavioral, and social/emotional skills. As an educator and expert in the field, you are expected to assist the IEP team in accurately identifying student needs and recommending research-based practices and strategies to best meet these needs and foster student growth and development. This assignment offers an opportunity to choose a specific disability and research and identify quality evidence-based approaches that strongly align with student needs.


As you navigate this assignment consider:


How characteristics of these behaviors impact student outcomes and educational performance.

The importance and value of selecting effective research-based interventions that align with student needs.

The importance of ethical communication and collaboration with IEP team members when selecting and implementing these evidence-based practices.

Supports and accommodations for students with exceptionalities.

How this assignment will impact your current or future practices working with exceptional learners.



Take Action


Content Instructions: For this assignment choose one of the three listed disabilities: learning disability; emotional/behavioral disorder; autism spectrum disorder. You will only target one disability for this task. Here is a model to follow: Universal Learning Characteristics  Download Universal Learning Characteristicsexample .


In your graphic organizer,


Step 1: Define, in one sentence, the disability you selected.

Step 2: Universal Behavior Characteristics

Describe at least five universal behavior characteristics for this population of students.

Identify common (behavior) characteristics associated with the chosen disability.

Explain at least five behavior strategies to support the universal behavior.

Identify at least five evidence-based behavior interventions that align with the characteristics mentioned above.

List at least three resources you accessed to identify universal behavior characteristics.

Use credible and scholarly literature when supporting your research-based behavior strategies/interventions.

Step 3: Universal Learning Characteristics

Describe at least five universal learning characteristics for the population of students you have chosen.

Identify common learning characteristics associated with the chosen disability.

Explain at least five instructional strategies, accommodations, or modifications to support the universal learning characteristics of the population of student’s you have chosen.

Identify at least five evidence-based interventions that align with the learning characteristics mentioned above.

List at least three resources you accessed to identify universal learning characteristics and instructional strategies, accommodations or modifications.

Use credible and scholarly literature when supporting your research-based learning strategies/interventions.

Create a document using the sample Universal Learning Characteristics  Download Universal Learning Characteristicstemplate to submit your graphic organizer that includes a title page, the link to or content of your graphic organizer, and your reference list


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