
ADM 624 week 7 assignment case 10.1

Grand Canyon University



Case study questions


Human resource has the task before them of getting the right candidate in an advertised position. The role of picking the right candidate involves some tests the company will have to administer to ensure emotional and mental strength has been achieved. The paper discusses the values considered to hire and promote an employee or applicant in a panel and the appraisal to consider in an order approving employee award. 

Q1Before turning to specifics of the case, consider the following more general question. Most would agree the six factors in the following list are important in determining whom to hire and promote: • Capacity• Experience• Integrity• Knowledge• Motivation• Understanding How would you rank these in relative importance? Support your answer.


 The most important aspect when an individual is to be hired in a company is integrity. It is the process of which an employee adheres to work ethics and personal commitment assigned in means that is legal and supported by the organization. Working with an individual of high integrity is easier and becomes enjoyable as the level of trust goes up, and production follows suit. Once an organizational culture is developed with integrity as a brand, it builds a positive momentum among employees such that clients are attracted, and trust is easily created to turn regular customers into loyal clients hence a higher return on investment (Pinder, 2014). 


Employees who have experience in work bring a new level of thinking and problem-solving skills in the organization which makes it competitive in the market. Experience employees are never afraid of challenges in an organization, and they would have to be involved to come up with ideas that are refreshing and thoughtful to defy the market to serve customers better. Decisions made by experienced employees are long term and creates a solid foundation for the organization.


Each and every employee is expected to have the knowledge to perform the task assigned. Some work related task is complicated, and it is the only knowledge that will be able to solve them to ensure an organization moves forward. 


Employees who are motivated work to ensure organizational goals are achieved. It is important to ensure employees are motivated to do the right thing at work so that they take assigned task with a degree of seriousness.


Understanding provides employees with a positive attitude to be able to handle tasks no matter the challenge moving the organization forward. 


Being able to perform a task after fulfilling a particular condition is the list expected of an employee but necessary to prove their performance level in an organization. 

Q2Who in this case would you pick?Case ReferenceRobert D. Behn, “Manager’s Choice,”

Who I would pick in the case study to receive performance bonus

Rachel Gonzalez, auditor

Fresh from college Gonzalez has identified a loophole in the revenue and points out to the relevant authority for the tax to be paid.  She is sharp and keen to detail and the best fit for her role as an auditor. A go getter in all she does having gone through numerous books of different firms and noted areas of concern she has the integrity expected of an auditor to be able to be called for any audacious task so that any error committed can be identified. Gonzalez has the knowledge to put the right effort to work and identify challenges and tackle them using the skill she has attained in school (Ferrell & Fraedrich, 2015).  

To identify a mistake that has been committed in accounting books by a famous individual, and to point out action to be taken yet, she could have noticed such an omission and seek for a bribe to close down the case was such an important aspect in auditing and a recommendation to the company integrity award. For an employee to be ranked as the best integrity is the value to be considered a priority (Khan,   Abbas, Gul & Raja, 2015).

Rachel knowledge guided the company enough to get revenue that would have been lost in the long run creating inefficiency and poor management when the situation persisted. Gonzalez positively uses her knowledge to identify the organization weaknesses and changes the position so that vulnerability is omitted. It would be wiser to award Rachel Gonzalez for the price of best performer as the new star award (Neckermann, Cueni& Frey, (2014).


Human resource is expected to have a strategy and policy of hiring an applicant and appraisal. The more an employee feels appreciated in an organization they are obligated to perform better and improve production through their roles.  A Loyal employee can stick under any circumstance the company experiences challenges.  The most important decision to consider before hiring a company is the integrity of an individual. Once an employee puts forth the highest level of integrity trust is created, and the work environment is positive to build on competitive working culture.  While performing performance approval, it is better for the human resource personnel to be just and fair.    


Ferrell, O. C., & Fraedrich, J. (2015). Business ethics: Ethical decision making & cases. Nelson Education.

Khan, K., Abbas, M., Gul, A., & Raja, U. (2015). Organizational justice and job outcomes: Moderating role of Islamic work ethic. Journal of Business Ethics, 126(2), 235-246.

Neckermann, S., Cueni, R., & Frey, B. S. (2014). Awards at work. Labour Economics, 31, 205-217.

Pinder, C. C. (2014). Work motivation in organizational behavior. Psychology Press.

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Written by Homework Lance

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