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ACCT 303 Wk 8 Accounting Policies Paper & Share Based Compensation

Description   ACCT 303 Wk 8 Accounting Policies Paper & Share Based Compensation           In this discussion, please reflect on the previous weeks’ topics.  Choose a topic you found to be difficult or hard to understand.  Research this topic and present your findings.  Include a summary of the topic, why you …

ACC 240 Coca Cola & PepsiCo Financial Ratios Analysis

Description   ACC 240 Coca Cola & PepsiCo Financial Ratios Analysis       The purpose of this assignment is to employ accounting principles and relevant business practices to evaluate a company’s performance and financial position through a comparison to industry data.   Locate the Critical Thinking CT 10.4 problem at the end of Chapter …

AC 553 Saint Peters College Wk 5 Companys Taxable Income and Tax Due

Description   AC 553 Saint Peters College Wk 5 Companys Taxable Income and Tax Due       For the year 2018 Company X had book income of $ 125,000. The company had book depreciation of $1,000, and tax depreciation of $ 2,650 for assets placed in service in 3.1.2017. Also, the company purchased a …

Week 7 Signature Assignment Portray Key Aspects of Administrative Law

Description   Week 7 Signature Assignment Portray Key Aspects of Administrative Law       For this assignment, assume you are an instructor preparing a presentation for graduate students in an administrative law course. Select one federal mandate of interest to you as a case study for your presentation. Examples include, but are not limited …

Week 5 Communicating Technology Concepts to Business Professionals

Description   Week 5: Communicating Technology Concepts to Business Professionals       Congratulations!  This week, your internship rotation takes you to the company’s IT Department where you’ve been asked to help prepare a short presentation for one of the company’s Brown Bag Lunch training events. This training event will be attended primarily by business …