Showing 335 Result(s)

Week 4 – Assignment Create Change in a Public Policy

Description   Week 4 – Assignment: Create Change in a Public Policy       This week’s assignment focuses on the theory that describes the unique characteristics of change in public organizations. Public administration change theory is rooted in general change theory.       You are a new leader in a state unemployment department. …

Week 3 Topic 3 Analyzing Inventory Ratios Assignment

Description   Analyzing Inventory Ratios Assignment       Assignment Description – Requires LopesWrite     The purpose of this assignment is to calculate asset ratios, then analyze and compare them between two competitors in the same industry.       Review the most recent annual reports of The Coca Cola Company and PepsiCo and …

Week 2 Assignment Wellness Assessment Luciana Gonzalez

Description   Week 2 Assignment: Wellness Assessment: Luciana Gonzalez       Resources Please refer to the documentation available on the Turnitin Resource page (Links to an external site.).       Submitting Assignments to Turnitin explains how to submit an assignment with Turnitin enabled. Understanding Turnitin Similarity Reports shows how to access, view, and …

Virtual Art Polycleitus the Younger Architecture Presentation

Description   Virtual Art Polycleitus the Younger Architecture Presentation       This week, you will create a visual art analysis based upon a work of art discussed in one of the following chapters of our textbook: 2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, or 14. As you’ll notice, these chapters are not part of …

UNV 506 Darling HealthCares Benchmark Legal Issues Case Study

Description   UNV 506 Darling HealthCares Benchmark Legal Issues Case Study       Read the “Darling – Health Care’s Benchmark Case,” located in Chapter 8 of the textbook. Write a 500-750 word essay that addresses the following:       Describe two legal issues presented in this case. Describe how the hospital failed in …

University of Phoenix Audience Observations Smartphone Users Activity

Description   University of Phoenix Audience Observations Smartphone Users Activity     Audience Observations Activity       Complete this activity using the smartphone image you selected from the Interactive Smartphone Observations activity.   Consider the following questions as you analyze your selected image:   What inferences can you make about the owner based on …

Universal Learning Characteristics

Description   Universal Learning Characteristics     Universal Learning Characteristics [WLOs: 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 3] Although every child is unique, those with similar categorized disabilities have universal learning and behavior characteristics. For example, traditional instruction can be delivered with strategies that have shown to be successful for students identified as having learning disabilities. Similarly, …

Trends in Social Media Essay

Assessment Description   The social media phenomenon has brought dying and grieving into the public realm. Because social media makes private expressions about grief public, it is important for mental health workers to understand the impact of this phenomenon on grievers and their helpers. This assignment will help you understand this concept. Citing two to four scholarly …