Showing 335 Result(s)

BIO 220 Environmental Science Entire Course

Description   BIO 220 Environmental Science Entire Course         BIO 220 Topic 1 Scientific Method Matching Exercise     Details:       Complete the “Scientific Method Matching Exercise Resource.”   GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.   You are not required to submit this assignment to …

Benchmark – Process Addiction Treatment Paper

Description   Benchmark – Process Addiction Treatment Paper       View the “Process Addictions Case Studies” media piece.   Step 1   In the media piece, select one of the following case studies:   John (gambling addiction)   Marsha (eating disorder)   Robert (sexual addiction)   In the media piece, watch the video that …

Benchmark – Mental Health & Wellness Blog Post 1 Dealing with Loss

Description   Benchmark – Mental Health & Wellness Blog Post 1: Dealing with Loss       Assessment Traits   Benchmark   Requires Lopeswrite       Assessment Description     For this assignment, imagine you are a mental health worker with a blog that you use to assist those experiencing the grief process. Consider …

Benchmark – Foundations of Learning Theories

Description   Benchmark – Foundations of Learning Theories     Assessment Description   Examining the history of learning theory provides context around which educators frame their personal philosophies of teaching and learning. In addition, understanding how teaching, leading, and learning relate to one another is a critical life skill as is the ability to understand …

Benchmark – Court-Ordered vs. Voluntary Clients (Obj. 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6)

Description   Benchmark – Court-Ordered vs. Voluntary Clients (Obj. 8.2, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5, and 8.6)       Write a 750-1,000-word paper comparing treatment for court-ordered versus voluntary clients. Address the following in your paper:       Treatment settings for court-ordered clients, including a substance abuse example Treatment settings for voluntary clients including a …

BCJ582 Final examination questions and answers

Description   BCJ582 Final examination questions and answers     Relapse prevention programs for sex offenders are designed to ______.     incapacitate offenders so that they are unable to reoffend     provide work opportunities so that offenders will be too busy to reoffend     prevent reoffending through chemical castration     teach …

Assignment Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2

Description   Assignment: Academic Success and Professional Development Plan Part 2     Assignment: Academic Success And Professional Development Plan Part 2: Strategies To Promote Academic Integrity And Professional Ethics     Nurse-scholars have a significant obligation to their community as well. Their work must have academic and professional integrity. Their efforts are designed to …

Assessment Description

Description   Assessment Description     The concept and theories of functionalism, structuralism, and introspection are important components in the history of psychology. Several key theorists have contributed to these concepts and have left an indelible mark in the history of psychology.   General Requirements:   Use the following information to ensure successful completion of …

Assess Organizational Readiness

Description   Assess Organizational Readiness       For any corporate risk management program, there are a number of factors whose absence signals an increased likelihood of failure for the risk management program and whose presence greatly increases the chance for success of the program (Hillson and Simon, 2012). These factors, called Critical Success Factors …

Aravind non-profit eye hospital and how it assists the vulnerable in the society

Description   Aravind non-profit eye hospital and how it assists the vulnerable in the society       Aravind is successful because each organizational component directly addresses the organization’s mission. Discuss.   The success of every organization is measured by the benefits it has brought to is target segment. Improved life is important as goals …