Adm 626 week 4 dq



Adm 626 week 4 dq




Tax payer’s money is expected to make a big impact in the society. Spending should be limited to government’s ability to raise income. Debt should be managed prudently to alleviate pressure on tax collected. Spending should consider programs that have the highest return on revenue and value so that resources are allocated. Entitlement includes programs such as social security and Medicare. Government spending on entitlement should be capped to sustain other essential programs. The paper discusses Heritage Foundation reason on why entitlement spending should reign.


The Heritage Foundation issue article discusses the main reasons why entitlement spending must be reigned. These reasons include the following; The United States government should fix Medicare through adjusting individual’s income with the contribution. Retirees will contribute to the premium expected for health insurance instead of receiving a paid for a program by the government. Medicaid should be patient centered to allow for the elderly and disabled a say on how they expect to be served at medical facilities. Medicaid should be insurance based on sustainability. The government requires emergency cash flow from savings during financial shocks. Social Security provides the option to the government for affordable debt. To boost savings personal accounts that are voluntary should be created. Americans improved quality of health leads to longer lives. Retirement age should be increased, and the poor retiree’s safety net is enhanced (Smith, 2010).

I agree to the Heritage foundation as to why entitlement spending must be reined so that there is a return on investment on tax payer’s money and government programs in the long term are sustainable (Smith, 2010).



Government priority should be to provide a quality life with the resources it is expected to manage. A citizen should demand proper accountability.


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