Course Project Phase 3
The purpose of this course project is for learners to explore how living nurses are making nursing history, apply lessons from nursing history, and analyze the impact of this project on nursing history today.
Course Outcomes:
This course project enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO2: Apply lessons from nursing history to today’s professional nursing practice. (PO4)
CO4: Analyze the impact of nursing history on professional nursing roles today and in the future. (PO7)
Due Date for Phase 3:
Submit by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 6.
Late Assignment Policy:
If the assignment is not submitted by due date, a late deduction will be applied. See rubric below.
Points Possible:
The entire project is worth 600 points. Course Project Phase 3: Reflection Paper is worth 225 points of this total.
After completing the Phase 2: Conversation with the Selected Nurse in Week 3, you may begin working on the Phase 3: Reflection Paper. The Phase 3: Reflection Paper will be due by Sunday end of Week 6 by 11:59PM Mountain Time.
Download the Phase 3: Reflection Paper template below.
View the Phase 3: Reflection Paper Tutorial (Links to an external site.)
The Phase 3: Reflection Paper be a typed paper in APA format including:
Double-spaced, font and type size consistent with APA manual
Title Page adheres to Chamberlain and APA standards.
Content and headings as below and on the rubric:
Introduction (include Introduction content, but no heading)
Reflection on Learning from Nurse’s Answers
Insight Gained from Conversation Regarding Leadership, Provision of Care, and/or Evidence-Based Practice
Analysis of the Impact of Nursing History on Professional Practice Today and in the Future
Length: Approximately 3 double-spaced pages excluding Title Page; 800-1000 words required in the body of the paper.
No outside sources will be used. No citations or references. No Reference page needed.
Excellent mechanics of scholarly writing including spelling, grammar, structure, paragraphing, and punctuation.
Submit Phase 3 assignment via Canvas by due date.
Phase 3: Reflection Paper [Download Here (Links to an external site.)]
Best Practices:
Carefully review the directions, required template, tutorial, and rubric.
Please use your browser’s File setting to save or print this page.
Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
Use the rubric as a final check prior to submission to ensure all content is clearly addressed.
Please reach out to your instructor with any questions as you prepare your assignment.
**Academic Integrity**
Chamberlain College of Nursing values honesty and integrity. All students should be aware of the Academic Integrity policy and follow it in all discussions and assignments.
By submitting this assignment, I pledge on my honor that all content contained is my own original work except as quoted and cited appropriately. I have not received any unauthorized assistance on this assignment.
Course Project Phase 3
Course Project Phase 3
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTitle Page, margins, font, headings, spacing, and length of body of paper
- Title page meets APA and Chamberlain criteria.
- Margins, font, headings, and spacing meet APA and assignment criteria.
- Body of paper (excluding Title Page) is 800-1000 words.
25 pts
All criteria met
- Title page meets APA and Chamberlain criteria. 2. Margins, font, headings, and spacing meet APA and assignment criteria. 3. Body of paper (excluding Title Page) is 800-1000 words.
22 pts
All criteria exist but there are minor errors.
20 pts
Omits or has major errors in one of the three criteria.
10 pts
Omits or has major errors in two of the three criteria.
0 pts
Omits all of the three criteria.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
Student clearly explains content to be presented in the paper including each of the three main content areas.
25 pts
All criteria met
Student clearly explains content to be presented in the paper including each of the three main content areas.
22 pts
Student somewhat clearly explains content to be presented in the paper including each of the three main content areas.
20 pts
Student vaguely explains content to be presented in the paper OR includes fewer than three main content areas.
10 pts
Student poorly explains content to be presented in the paper AND includes fewer than two main content areas.
0 pts
Omits all criteria.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReflection on Learning from the Nurse’s Answers
Student provides well-organized section reflecting on learning from the Selected Nurse’s answers
45 pts
Criteria met.
Student provides well-organized section reflecting on learning from the Selected Nurse’s answers
40 pts
Student provides somewhat organized section reflecting on some of the learning from the Selected Nurse’s answers
36 pts
Student provides fairly organized section OR reflects little on the learning from the Selected Nurse’s answers
17 pts
Student provides minimally organized section AND reflects little on the learning from the Selected Nurse’s answers
0 pts
Omits criteria
45 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInsight Gained from Conversation Regarding Leadership, Provision of Care, and/or Evidence-Based Practice
Student provides well organized and clear explanation of insight gained from the Conversation (Phase 2) regarding at least one of the following: leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice.
45 pts
All criteria met
Student provides well organized and clear explanation of insight gained from the Conversation (Phase 2) regarding at least one of the following: leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice.
40 pts
Student provides somewhat organized and mostly clear explanation of insight gained from the Conversation (Phase 2) regarding at least one of the following: leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice.
36 pts
Student provides fairly organized and fairly clear explanation of insight gained from the Conversation (Phase 2) regarding at least one of the following: leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice.
17 pts
Student provides minimally organized and poor explanation of insight gained from the Conversation (Phase 2) OR does not include at least one of the following: leadership, provision of care, and/or evidence-based practice.
0 pts
Omits all criteria.
45 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of the Impact of Nursing History on Professional Practice Today and in the Future
- Student analyzes the impact nursing history has on professional nursing practice today in a thorough and clear manner.
- Student analyzes the impact nursing history will have on professional nursing practice in the future in a thorough and clear manner.
45 pts
All criteria met
- Student analyzes the impact nursing history has on professional nursing practice today in a thorough and clear manner. 2. Student analyzes the impact nursing history will have on professional nursing practice in the future in a thorough and clear manner.
40 pts
Student analyzes the impact nursing history has on professional nursing practice today with minor clarity issues. Student analyzes the impact nursing history will have on professional nursing practice in the future with minor clarity issues
36 pts
Student analyzes the impact nursing history has on professional nursing practice today with several clarity issues. Student analyzes the impact nursing history will have on professional nursing practice in the future with several clarity issues.
17 pts
Omits one of the two criteria.
0 pts
Omits all criteria.
45 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion
- Student clearly writes a concise summary of this paper.
- Student clearly writes strong a concluding statement.
25 pts
All criteria met
- Student clearly writes a concise summary of this paper. 2. Student clearly writes strong a concluding statement.
22 pts
All criteria exist but one of the criteria lacks clarity
20 pts
All criteria exist but both of the criteria lack clarity.
10 pts
Omits one of the two criteria.
0 pts
Omits all criteria.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Organization
Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors of the following:
- well organized and logical,
- correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling,
- professional wording is used, 4. uses complete sentences, paragraphs are linked together logically, and main ideas expressed
15 pts
All four criteria are included.
Excellent mechanics and organization with minimal errors of the following: 1. well organized and logical, 2. correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling, 3. professional wording is used, 4. uses complete sentences, paragraphs are linked together logically, and main ideas expressed
13 pts
Omits one of the four criteria.
12 pts
Omits two of the four criteria.
6 pts
Omits three of the four criteria.
0 pts
Omits all of the four criteria.
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLate Deduction
0 pts
0 points deducted
Submitted on time
0 pts
Not Submitted on Time – Points Deducted (5% per day)
1 day late= 11.25 deduction; 2 days late= 22.5 deduction; 3 days late= 33.75 deduction; 4 days late= 45 deduction; 5 days late= 56.25 deduction; 6 days late= 67.5 deduction; 7 days late= 78.75 deduction
0 pts
Total Points: 225