PSY 510 Topic 2 DQ1
Should humans use animals for psychological research? Give examples from this week’s assigned readings or other sources to defend your position.
This topic is sensitive to me, because I love animals especially domestic animals and the reptile species. Psychological research on animals have always been a very hard topic to discuss with me maybe it is because of the love for animals. The fact that we humans use animals for many different research projects some for the good,and some for the bad, I just can see myself being involved with or supporting the reasearch of any animals especially domestic. Science,research, and medicine have made great strides in human mankind,at the cost of animals,even though I morally think personally it is wrong. The mere fact of what the animals endure are quit tormenting not to mention in some cases a pure disrespect and regard for Gods creatures. I am greatful for the advances in medicine that scientist and researchers have discovered but I also feel sorry for the animals that had to endure and go through to achieve these medical advancements, but I am also a advocate for animal rights and to be on this subject would totally be bias and I know I would be prejudice to this research topic. Pyschological research and the rights of animals: Disagreement with Miller. There are many avenues this problem solving might take. Redesigning laboratory procedures to reduce the levels of aversiveness or stress experienced by animals,utilizing experimental designs that require fewer animals,and developing housing thta better meets the needs of animals rather than just the convience of experimenters are important initial steps.Implementing careful review procedures that will critically and individually evaluate projects for merit,nonredundancy,and humane procedures is another key step:to date,animals use committees have to often functioned to”rubber stamp”proposals rather than act as vigilant animal welfare advocates,and in the education arena,psychologist should be taking the lead in developing new teaching methods that help students learn key behavioral principles without causing distress to living animals. “Of all professional groups, psychologists should be best able to reflect compassionately on ethical issues and solve problems rather than engage in siplistic “we’re more than humane than you” assertions” (AP).
Kelly, Jeffrey A,. American Psychologist, Vol 41(7), Jul, 1986. pp.839-841.
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