Give the accented syllable in the following terms (for example: anemia = ne, diagnosis = no, endocrine = en).
1. Cystourethrogram: __________
REF: p. 252 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
2. Edema: __________
REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
3. Hilum: __________
REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
4. Nephrolithotomy: __________
REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
5. Trigone: __________
REF: p. 252 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
6. Urethroplasty: __________
REF: p. 252 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
7. Glycosuria: __________
REF: p. 250 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
8. Creatinine: __________
REF: p. 249 OBJ: Spell and pronounce terms related to the urinary system.
Select the term that is spelled correctly and give its meaning.
9. A. nitrogenous
B. nitrogenius
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
A, pertaining to nitrogen
REF: p. 222
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
10. A. urinalysis
B. urinanalysis
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
A, examination of urine
REF: p. 228
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
11. A. meatis
B. meatus
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
B, opening or canal
REF: p. 222
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
12. A. dysuria
B. dysurea
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
A, painful urination
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
13. A. abcess
B. abscess
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
B, collection of pus
REF: p. 244 | p. 248
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
14. A. dyalysis
B. dialysis
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
B, separation of wastes from blood
REF: p. 234
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
15. A. medulla
B. medula
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
A, inner section of an organ
REF: p. 222
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
16. A. pyleogram
B. pyelogram
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
B, x-ray record of the renal pelvis
REF: p. 233
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
17. A. vesicorectal
B. visicorectal
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
A, pertaining to the bladder and rectum
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
18. A. creatinine
B. cretatinine
A or B: _____ meaning: __________
A, nitrogen-containing waste
REF: p. 221
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
Give the meanings of the following medical terms.
19. Caliceal: __________
pertaining to a calyx
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
20. Urinary meatal stenosis: __________
narrowing of the opening of the urethra to the outside of the body
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
21. Creatinine: __________
nitrogenous waste
REF: p. 221
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
22. Medullary: __________
pertaining to the inner section of an organ
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
23. Cystocele: __________
hernia of the urinary bladder
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
24. Vesicoureteral reflux: __________
backflow of urine from the urinary bladder to the ureter
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
Give the meanings of the following terms relating to urinary symptoms.
25. Azotemia: __________
nitrogenous wastes in the blood
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
26. Polydipsia: __________
excessive thirst
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
27. Nocturia: __________
frequent urination at night
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
28. Oliguria: __________
scanty urination
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
29. Dysuria: __________
painful urination
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
30. Urinary retention: __________
urine is held in the bladder
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
31. Polyuria: __________
excessive urination
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
32. Anuria: __________
no urination
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
33. Bacteriuria: __________
bacteria in the urine
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
34. Enuresis: __________
REF: p. 242 | p. 247
OBJ: Use medical terms related to the urinary system in medical reports and records.
Identify the following tests, procedures, or abbreviations.
35. C&S: __________
culture and sensitivity (testing)
REF: p. 237
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
36. BUN: __________
blood urea nitrogen
REF: p. 237
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
37. cysto: __________
REF: p. 237
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
38. Na: __________
REF: p. 237
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
39. UTI: __________
urinary tract infection
REF: p. 237
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
40. MRI: __________
magnetic resonance imaging
REF: p. 233
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
41. Hemodialysis: __________
separation of wastes from the blood by removing the blood and filtering it through a machine
REF: p. 234
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
42. CAPD: __________
continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
REF: p. 237
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
43. Renal biopsy: __________
removal of tissue from the kidney and microscopic examination
REF: p. 235
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
44. Renal angiography: __________
x-ray record of the blood vessels in the kidney
REF: p. 232
OBJ: Recall lab tests, procedures, and abbreviations related to the urinary system.
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